Presubmission Feedback
The Project Director and Email Archives Community Fellow are available to provide presubmission feedback. Email a draft of your proposal narrative to Chris Prom (prom [at] prior to June 5th, and we will provide feedback no later than June 19th.
Formal Proposal Evaluation
Applicants will be evaluated with a rubric. This rubric includes criteria to measure the following categories:
- Organization and Project Contacts
- Proposal Information (Title, amount, abstract)
- Narrative, including the following subsections:
- Rationale
- Proposed Activities
- Project Organization and Collaborators
- Schedule of Activities
- Budget and Budget Narrative (Please Note: ICR or overhead will not be supported.)
- Dissemination
- Expected Benefits and Outcomes
- Project Sustainability
- Supporting Documents
- CV’s, endorsement letters, work samples, etc.