Two rounds of funding will be disbursed:
- Submissions due July 31st, 2020, for projects beginning January 1, 2021
- Submissions due June 30th, 2021, for projects beginning January 1, 2022
All projects must be complete by December 30th, 2023.
Round Two (Now Open)
Application Period (April – June 30, 2021)
- The Round Two grant cycle is now open.
- During this time, pre-submission feedback to potential applicants will be provided (due to the project director by May 24)
- June 30th Final Grant Proposals Due
Review Period (June 30th – August 16th)
- During this time, proposal consideration and selection of successful applicants from the first round of proposals.
Selection Period (August 16th – October 15th)
- September 30 Final Results Communicated to Applicants (Round One)
Disbursement (October 15th – December 31st)
- At this time, we will be coordinate grant logistics with awardees and the University Library business office. An official announcement of awardees will be released once sub-award contracts are fulfilled.
- January 1st, 2022 Funds to awardees will be transferred.
Round One (Now Closed)
Application Period (May – July 31, 2020)
- The Round One grant cycle is now open.
- During this time, pre-submission feedback to potential applicants will be provided (due to project director by June 5, for comments returned by June 19th)
- July 31 Final Grant Proposals Due (Round One)
Review Period (July 31st – September 1st)
- During this time, proposal consideration and selection of successful applicants from the first round of proposals.
Selection Period (September 1st – November 15th)
- October 30 Final Results Communicated to Applicants (Round One)
Disbursement (November 15th – December 31st)
- At this time, we will be coordinate grant logistics with awardees and the University Library business office. An official announcement of awardees will be released.
- January 1st, 2021 Funds to awardees will be transferred.