Love the Words: Preserving the Email Collection of 92Y’s Unterberg Poetry Center
Speakers: Sally DeBauche, Marian Clarke Description: A current count puts the 92nd Street Y’s Unterberg Poetry Center’s email archive at almost 3 million messages. The email collection offers a look into the day-to-day activities and program planning of what many consider to be the preeminent place for writers and poets to share their work with […]
Preserving Email Attachments with Attachment Converter
Presenters: Matt Teichman, Nathan Mull Description: Opening old email in whatever software formats are available today is easy enough on the computers we currently have. But what happens when the technology moves on? Will we still be able to read the word processing documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, or graphics files of the past? Even today, there […]
Creating Email Archives from PDFs – The Covid-19 Corpus
Presenter: Benjamin Lis, Columbia University Description: This talk will discuss the technical aspects of an EABCC-funded project to build a Python library that extracts individual email metadata and text from PDFs. We will also report our experiences using it to enhance a corpus of FOIAed documents, some thousands of pages long, from the early days […]
EMCODIST: Introducing the ‘Digitally Curious’ to Email Archives for Organizational Research and History
Presenter: David Kirsch Description: This project focuses on how users — of various types, but especially what Talboom & Underdown (2019) call the “digitally curious” — discover and interact with responsive content in large-scale, organizational email corpora. We have tested our prototype tool EMCODIST (E-Mail COntext DIScovery Tool) with several groups of users, including an […]
Hands-On Email Preservation with Mailbag
Presenter: Gregory Wiedeman, University at Albany, SUNY Description: Learn how to preserve email with Mailbag! This workshop will walk participants through installing and running the mailbagit tool to package email into a mailbag while automatically generating derivatives formats that are compatible with existing tools and workflows. Participants are encouraged to bring their own email exports […]
Be Prepared: CoSA’s Email Processing Capacity Building
Presenter: Nick Connizzo Description: Managing and preserving email in government has been a herculean task that 50 states, 6 territories, and the District of Columbia have been dealing with for decades. Questions about proper use of email, separation of personal and public information, handling of protected and sensitive information, and access methodologies continue to challenge […]
ePADD Plus: Integrating Preservation Functionality into ePADD
Presenters: Tricia Patterson, Harvard University Stephen Abrams, Harvard University Sally DeBauche, Stanford University Paul Carlyle, University of Manchester Description: This briefing will cover the objectives and outcomes of the EA:BCC-funded project “Integrating Preservation Functionality into ePADD” (or ePADD+ project, for short). From 2021-2022, Harvard University, the University of Manchester, and Stanford University collaborated to enhance […]