Lightning Talks – 4
Time for a Change: Exploring New Avenues for Email Collection Preservation Presenter: Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig Description: The Smithsonian Libraries and Archives (SLA) has been collecting and preserving email for more than 15 years and led an early email preservation project called CERP that resulted in an XML preservation format and software applications. Even though tools […]
Lightning Talks – 3
The Palladium Project – appraisal, access and use of Carcanet Press email archive Presenter: Jessica Smith, Jochen Farwer Description: This proposal is submitted to present on the Arts Council England funded Palladium Project carried out at the University of Manchester in 2021/22. The University of Manchester Library has been preserving the archive of indie poetry […]
Lightning Talks – 2
Providing Access to Email Archives via Remote Emulation Presenter: Ethan Gates, Yale University Description: The grant-funded EaaSI (Emulation-as-a-Service Infrastructure) program of work, hosted by Yale University Library, has been working for the past 5 years to build an open-source access platform for remote access to legacy software and data in emulation. Since the underlying technology […]
Lightning Talks
Email as a Record?!: building institutional support for email archiving at a small liberal arts college Presenter: Jessika Drmacich Description: Due to the modern deluge of information and the sometimes ephemeral nature of email as a container, email and other data is often sidelined as a copy of record at small liberal arts colleges who […]